Eco-friendly living

Posted on 16 October 2015

What does going green mean? Green may mean different things to different people. Whereas for some it means simply environmentally friendly, for others it involves adjusting their living by reducing their environmental impact.

Reduce your carbon footprint and start RECYCLING!

Did you know that you can recycle nearly everything in your life? If it can't be reused, then it most likely can be recycled instead. Car batteries and tires? Yes, those can be recycled. Can you recycle your old mobile phone? Yes! How about your carpets? Yes again! Find some creative ways to reduce the amount of stuff that you throw away in your life and be a little greener. For more information and ideas on what can be recycled visit Cambridge City website:

For details on recycling banks and centres in Cambridge area visit:

More green tips can be found here:

Lower energy bills?

Quite often we don't even realise how much energy could be saved if used wisely. Turning off your lights when you leave a room, unplugging your mobile charger or avoiding stand-by mode in electronics can make a huge difference! Why not generate your own energy? Low-carbon technologies such as solar panels let you generate your own energy, saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint at the same time! For more tips how to start saving money on energy visit:

Greener travel

With rising fuel cost, amount of time spent idly in traffic jams and increasing numbers of vehicles on our roads, greener travel is not only something we ought to consider but something we sould implement. Information, advice and resources about energy-saving travel - how you can avoid using the car, and how to drive more efficiently can be very easily found on local websites:

Fancy car sharing? Car share schemes are available in Cambridge area: